Now that conventions are slowly returning. It is time to go over the do's and don'ts of attending an anime convention. A friendly reminder on how to enjoy the convention.
The Do’s
Do make an itinerary/plan
When going to a convention it can be a little overwhelming especially, if it is your first time going. Most anime conventions have a catalog with time slot showing different events. Make sure you plan accordingly to be able to see everything you want. Especially, since some events with be occurring at the same time. Take into account the long lines and limited seating.
Be respect fellow cosplayers/ con goers
Remember everyone is here to have a fun time. So least be respectful to the staff, con goers and property. You don’t want to be kicked out. I have seen a few people have their passes taken and be banned from reentering because of their behavior. Conventions are family friendly event and so be considerate to those around you.
Bring a backpack
Make sure you bring a bag to carry the essentials and the items you purchase.
Bring Id
There are some events that are 18+ or 21+ and ID is required.
Remember to hydrate and eat
As a veteran con goer, it is expensive to buy food or drinks from the conventions. It is easier to bring outside food or drinks. Just double check the cons rules about food and drinks. Remember no alcoholic beverages!
Bring a pair of comfortable shoes
There is a lot of walking and standing in line when going to a conventions and it best to have shoes that are comfortable. Even if you are cosplaying! Bring an extra pair.
Keep your phone charged and bring a phone bank
It is important to have your phone charged to be able to communicate with your friends, knowing your location and so you don’t get bored waiting in line
Do Cosplay
If you cosplay please remember that conventions are family friendly so try no to wear something too proactive and promiscuous because staff will say something.
If you have props make sure they are registered and they do not disturb other con goers if it is really large (Wings, weapons, etc.)
Stay aware of your surroundings
In every group there are some bad seeds. Make sure when you are in crowded area you have your bags zipped and your valuables are not easily accessible.
Make sure people do not touch you without your consent!!
The Don’ts
Committing any offenses or infractions can result in removal from the anime conventions and ban. Trust me I've seen it happen!
Don’t Disrespect Staff or fellow con goers
Don’t touch cosplayers without consent!
Don’t take pictures without permission
No Outside Alcohol on the premises
Don’t walk around at night alone